Tuesday, January 8, 2019

winter exposure

while drivking to a meeting yesterday, I turned a corner and noted a heavily treed area on my right that in the spring, summer and fall is simply solid greens and browns and glorious yellows ....well, here we are, early January ... all the leaves have long fallen exposing the things that have been tossed into the midst of the trees .... the trees are still there, simply standing quietly naked alongside this accumulated garbage ... things once deemed important but now simply ugly  .....
and is this all not like our lives .... in our spring, summer and fall all dressed in the finery of our years ... hidden in the glitter of the image we wish to portray ..... and then along comes our winter ... the things of our glittering image fall to the ground. ..... we still stand, perhaps now slightly stooped, but still standing .... but now all the stuff we tried to hide, the things we simply dropped and hid ... all this stuff is now highly visible, to us and everyone around us ......there is no way to hide our garbage, our unwanted, our tossed aways  .....so before winter comes there is an urgency to deal with things ... don't try to hide it, stuffing it where you think no one else can see it .... deal with it .... bring it all before the Healer of our souls and be made whole .....clean out the garbage ......