Friday, August 31, 2018

oil or lack of

part of my reading this morning was from another familiar story
Matthew 25. .... the ten "virgins", their lamps, the invitation to the wedding, and the oil, or lack of ..
I learned this morning that their lamps were actually poles with an oil soaked rag on top ...
these "lamps" used up the oil quickly and thus one needed a good supply ...
in the dark, these lamps when lit allowed the person to see where they were going, but
also reflected the person's presence to other people ...

the application today, is what I am reflecting?   if anything?

in the darkness of this world,do I reflect light?

are my private times with the Lord plantiful enough that my lamp will always be well lit ....
that I will be light so others can find their way in the darkness of these times ....

that I will be ready ?

so my take away is
what do I reflect
what do I give off
what do others see
do I have enough oil ........

I never want to find the door shut and hear those soul shaking words "I do not know you"

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