Thursday, September 20, 2018

touch the untouchable

this morning I read of the leper who asked Jesus to make him whole ...
the last line of the reading held these challenging words ..
"reach out and touch the untouchable" ...

who in my life is "untouchable"?
who in society these days is untouchable?
how does this apply to me?

and I suppose the untouchable for me is anyone whom I just do not like ...
someone I have no time for,
someone who has hurt me,
someone who has the capability of hurting me, or the desire to hurt me

and what does it matter if I am hurt
if I am misunderstood
if I am misquoted, misrepresented ...

and so, during my day today,
where ever,
may I look for the untouchable
and may I dare to touch
with my hand, my words, my prayers...

and may the untouchable be made whole
and may the toucher be made whole

for if I am afraid to touch
then I am also afraid to be touched
which makes me also an "untouchable" ....

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

the margins

I am struck again and again by the fact
that Jesus always sought the one
who sat on the margin of life,
on a mat by the roadside,
hidden up in a tree,
at a well in the heat of the day,
committing adultery,
hiding shame in his cloak ....
the ordinary ones ....who fished ...
and the leaders??  those He rebuked !

it was not the leaders He ate with
but the one in sin .....

we are told even to remember, not the leader with the big name
but the woman
without a name ....

Monday, September 10, 2018

changing seasons

from sweltering heat
to toe chilling reality
a quiet season change ...

the leaves are moving from brilliant green to a rather drab yellowy brown...
and falling like a gentle rain ...

I was surprised years ago when I learned that leaves return to their natural colour in the fall ...
not the stunning reds and yellows
but rather this drab yellowy brown ...
not really attractive at all ..
nothing that grabs your attention

and how like life this is ...
as we age
we return to our natural "colour" ....
the glittering image falls away
and we are as we are ...

waiting ...

we cannot stop this season
nor hurry it ..

simply accept it
and choose to embrace it ....

after all life is lighter without the trappings of a glittering image
easier to move about
easier to be still
easier to be silent
easier to watch
and listen

easier to provide a place of rest
and safety
for others still robed in their glittering image

easier to demonstrate
that simply being
is so freeing

the best is yet to come ...

Sunday, September 9, 2018

a gift

speech is a gift ...a treasured gift .... one only has to meet someone who cannot hear and thus cannot speak well to understand the enormity of the gift of speech ..
and yet, we are so careless with this gift ...
we hurt the heart, mind and soul of another with careless hard words ...
we change lives by telling lies ...
we refuse to speak and torture another with hard silence .....
we can speak words of kindness and love ...
we can speak truth ... even a truth that might be difficult to hear can be heard well if the words are spoken well ....
we can speak very few words of softness and gentleness no matter the situation ...

and yes,

sometimes it is better to say nothing, not say one single word,
when the silence is not to punish or damage
but simply to create space for Jesus ....

I know I have not always used this gift of speech well
and I am saddened about sullying this amazing gift ...

Jesus, be Lord of my tongue........

Monday, September 3, 2018

in between

We have to be candles, 
burning between hope and despair,
faith and doubt,
 life and death,
all the opposites.

to be a light means to burn
to use myself up

a candle uses itself completely up
and slowly extinguishes

no great fanfare
just a silent ending of the light

and so I burn
hopefully brightly
during this inbetween time
this not knowing whether Jeff will live
or die

and I cry for mercy  .....

and yet if he dies
does that mean God is not merciful?
not good?

in this desert
my mouth is full of the sands of fear
making it hard to sing
God is so good
God is so good
God is so good to me

and He says
My ways are not your ways
My thoughts not your thoughts

God Who never changes